So NYC, quite an interesting time. AM and I stayed at the hostel a night longer than everyone else, and were put in a dorm-style room with 4 grown men, of European/Latin births. The dude sleeping under AM kept waking up every 20 minutes or so to take a swig from in 2 liter ginger ale bottle and let out a belch. The guy sleeping under me watched us as we went in and turned his cell-phone light on just because of it (and left it on all night). I didn't sleep too well, granted. The next day met up with everyone and went to the Whitney Biennial. Some things weren't that great, I think there were only a handful of mixed media and videos I liked... hopefully this exhibit doesn't really show the talent of America... Next door (and part of the Biennial) there was this "pirate" radio station art piece for the people called Neighborhood Public Radio. It was a interesting concept, and the guys seemed really smart. The picture with the orange wall and monkey is their just-moved-shoe store-setup. That evening we obviously drank and went exploring in the Lower East Side and Greenwich village... got chinese food and eventually got on the Staten Island Ferry and took a spin on it. Next day went walking/exploring and shopping and met up with the family for an in between dinner and lunch. As for practical celebrities, we saw:
here are the digital shots I took... I'll eventually need to develop my film.