Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Don't Worry Baby

I will get to see my man in the new month! I feel that this is how it always happens... last minute decisions

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I rarely use this anymore, I hadn't given myself any time this semester. Still won't until the nyc move in a week (eeeeee!!!!)

but I shall present this work of gorgeous stuff:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow Day! Snow day!

And I still get excited like a little kid... perhaps because I never got snow days as a kid.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Daisies, known as Sedmikrasky in Czech, was directed by Vera Chytilova in '66. Just saw it fully for the first time this afternoon. I think I'm in love. Now all I need to do is find it somewhere online for purchase.

Favorite scene:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

oh you know. My guy is making a difference in the world... haha
Sad Sad Sad. Finally realized what's going to happen in my near future. Love has to be put on hold as it has been for the past year and a half + while we continue to be/work in separate cities. I know I should be excited for the time ahead, but in all honesty, I'm a lover, not someone looking to advance society. My heart breaks for this. And my greatest fear will be that the two of us will just grow our roots in separate cities and never get to realize the true potential of being in a relationship in one another's presence.

Monday, February 8, 2010

= life

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh what I would do to be able to snuggle with limbs wrapped up in one another, creating body heat just from being near.

I miss my bunny...... :(

Monday, January 25, 2010

For you,

Leah. The Karen Walker dress:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

NZ on film

the beginning of a VERY long process.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

good golly miss molly

A photo shoot I did for a Syracuse Uni magazine called Jerk:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Shit. I can't sleep. I've just come back form New Zealand and am in my bed at Syracuse. What a downer, warmth and sunshine to darkness and snow. My physical clock is off and all I can do is lie in bed and think of the wonderful time I had. I love Nick's family, I had so much fun seeing new things, trying new things, buying new things. So many things are going through my mind. My future is teetering from London to New York, I'm trying to figure out my final semester's schedule for work, and to top it all off I'm back at the airport tomorrow. I hate airports, traveling I don't mind, but I hate being herded and made to feel like I'm doing something wrong. I always feel terrible and anxious in airports o mater how quick a flight. I think today's flying was the worst, though, because I had nothing to look forward to. At least when I'm heading to Nick I have something to be excited for, but now all I have is to come back to my normal life. So may things I want to improve. Stressed about the change in my final photo project and what the professors will think of the new shots. Too much is going on in my mind, and there isn't enough time to take a sleeping pill (not that I have one). I need human comforting, which I suppose will be my mother. I'll probably get right up to her at the airport and just start weeping. Pathetic me.